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ODPANN 24-087: Corrections to Final Rates Starting Fiscal Year 2024-2025

The purpose of this announcement is to inform stakeholders of corrections to rates for select services provided through the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support, and Adult Autism Waivers and base-funding that were published as final in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

Please review the announcement for additional details.

ODPANN 24-086: Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (VF/EA) Wage Ranges and Benefit Allowance for Specific Participant Directed Services (PDS) Effective October 1, 2024

The purpose of this announcement is to provide the hourly wage and benefits ranges for specific participant directed services (PDS) provided to participants utilizing the VF/EA FMS model, effective October 1, 2024

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

ODPANN 24-085: Agency with Choice (AWC) Wage Ranges and Benefit Allowance for Specific Participant Directed Services (PDS) Effective October 1, 2024

The purpose of this announcement is to provide the hourly wage and benefits ranges for specific participant directed services (PDS) provided to participants utilizing the Agency With Choice (AWC) Financial Management Service (FMS) model effective October 1, 2024.

Please review the announcement for additional details and information.

ODPANN 24-084 Publication of Final Rates Effective Starting Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and Operational Guidance

The purpose of this announcement is to inform stakeholders that rates for services rendered through the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) have been published as final in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

NOTE: The Community Participation Support rates published on August 30, 2024 in the August 31, 2024 Pennsylvania Bulletin and on the Department of Human Services website are incorrect. The 8% inflationary adjustment factor was not added to the most current rates for Community Participation Support services. On September 3, 2024, ODP will publish the correct rates through an ODP announcement and update the rate tables on the DHS website. A notice with the correct Community Participation Support rates will also be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin as soon as possible.

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